Welcome to ++Chronicles Eternal++!
This site aims to be a community resource and showcase for fans of Res Nova’s upcoming Warzone Eternal miniatures game, set in the long-running Mutant Chronicles universe. That means featuring original content from the community, as well resources for improving and expanding the play experience. Faction run-downs, general tactica, battle reports, fiction, comics, original scenarios, and more are all in the works, with more to come!
While we will primarily focus on Warzone Eternal, the site’s full remit is any and all things Mutant Chronicles. This includes upcoming games such as Necromakina’s Luna City Blues and Secret Cow Level’s digital version of the classic Doomtrooper card game, as well as previous RPGs, miniatures and board games, novels, comics and any other expression of the Mutant Chronicles setting that’s ever come to light during the its thirty-plus years of existence. Hell, we might even mention the movie every once in a while, if you ask real nice.
If you’re a fan of the setting and you’d like to contribute, we’d be happy to feature your work, just drop us a line!